Thank you for being here!

If you love healthy recipes, movement, non-toxic beauty, and holistic wellness as much as I do, then you’ve come to the right place! 

From a very young age, I always loved to cook. Baking was my specialty growing up as I really enjoyed making delicious treats that put a smile on my family’s face. My love to nourish people has only grown since then and I continue to create recipes that will not only bring joy but also optimal nutrition and health. 


My journey with fitness came much later in life. Up until my mid-twenties I had never set foot in a gym. I always thought that working out with weights was something only body builders did and I didn’t fully understand both the physical and mental benefits that movement provides. Fitness is now a part of my everyday life — whether I’m deadlifting 140lbs at the gym or hiking a killer trail with my family — I love movement! It’s so invigorating to my soul and I can’t imagine how I ever got on without it. 


As a new mama I hope to continue to build upon my love for healthy food and mindful movement so that my little one learns to have a positive relationship with both as he grows up. I also hope to inspire you to take control of your health through daily practices that support optimal health and radiant wellness. It’s all about doing those simple things that make you a happier, more vibrant person, inside and out. 


Let’s get started

Whether you’re a first time mama, mama of five, or simply looking for some foodie inspo, I'm here to inspire you to take control of your health and feel super rad while doing it! Here’s how to get started…